Other technologies

Smaller manufacturers offer great special and niche solutions

Together with our smaller technology partners we develop big

Together we are stronger

Together with our smaller technology partners we develop big

Together we are stronger

Whether incoming mail processing, OCR or modeling business processes. During the conception and development, we use proven and familiar technologies to jointly generate the greatest potential of our solutions for you in the context of case and workflow management.

ISR Bildmarke
Levigo works in the background: displaying documents or images in applications. If the document or image is not loading quickly enough, the user's frustration is high. Levigo Business IT offers different viewing technologies in the course of workflow or document management systems.

ISR Bildmarke
Camuda BPM

Camunda BPM describes a platform for modeling, automation and implementation of workflows and business processes, but also for decision automation. Bonus factor: the whole thing can be used as an open source.